Which means they lied to us, because they said it was on scheduled for Q1 but only delayed to and I quote " to avoid some of the issues that plagued the first game, which was famously launched too early. Otherwise the game might as well not exist at all since it would just tarnish the memory of the original. So delay it until 2023 for all I care, just make sure its really fucking good because I can't stand the idea of waiting so long to play a shit or mediocre game.

Like seriously, I didn't go to the dance club and spend hours dancing in VTBM, it was a gimmick I played with for about a minute before I moved on and they featured it in the game play trailer like that was going to sell me on it. In general I saw neither of those things, just a surface level interpretation of what people liked about the first game ("we gotta put the dance moves back in!"). They need to make sure they're capturing the magic of the original game and improving it in ways that conform to modern expectations. They got really big shoes to fill because VTMB wasn't very popular due to its bugs and broken gameplay but people loved the story and freedom the game had. I'm not all about this "THEY SAID 2020 AND I WANT IT NOW" behavior because I saw that game play trailer and frankly the game looked boring and disappointing. I'm personally fine with this game getting delayed as long as its good. Malkavian reveal article RockPaperShotgun Thinbloods Collected Information thread Paradox Forumsīrujah Collected Information thread Paradox Forums Thinblood - Brujah - Tremere - Toreador - Ventrue - Malkavian Articles: The Pioneers - The Camarilla - The Baron - The Newcomers - The Unseen

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