Jobasha in his bookstore, Arch-Mage Trebonius in the Guild of Mages, Gentleman Jim Stacey in Simine Fralinie's bookstore, Lorbumol gro-Aglakh and Sjoring Hard-Heart in the Guild of Fighters on the Plaza level. The Underworks has a dead body in the water by the east side with a high quality helmet, and the Daedric shrine Ibishammus. The Foreign Quarter Tomb connects the two sides of the Canalworks, and has leveled undead guarding random loot. Hiding in the back room of Simine Fralinie's bookshop is Crazy-Legs Arantamo, who offers trade and training only to Thieves Guild members, and Gentleman Jim Stacey, the master of the Thieves Guild. On the east side, J'Rasha is a healer with spells (among them is Wild Open), potions and ingredients.

The western Canalworks room a clothier, Agrippina Herennia, Jeanne, a general trader, and an Imperial Cult altar, where the healer Letreius Muco offers training and has potions for sale. You get to the Canalworks by entering the Lower Waistworks and then going down the internal set of stairs. Jobasha has a plant named Charles, from which you can extract the alchemical ingredient Meteor Slime. He has quite a variety of books, though not as many as are available in the library in the Temple Canton. Jobasha, the owner, is a friend of Huleeya. Jobasha's Rare Books is located in the western Lower Waistworks. The tavern Black Shalk Cornerclub is located in the eastern Lower Waistworks and caters to foreign visitors with rooms available for rent. Unlike the other cantons in Vivec, the Foreign Quarter boasts an extra level, the Upper Waistworks, in which minor services are located. The Plaza EditĪlthough foreign visitors may now travel freely throughout the city, the Foreign Quarter retains its Imperial services, including the Mages, Fighters Guild, and an Imperial Cult shrine on the Plaza level. Even more exotic tastes are catered to in the Daedric shrine Ibishammus in its underworks.

You will find a sprawl of merchants hailing from all reaches of the Empire with a plethora of goods. To this day, outlanders receive friendlier treatment here than anywhere else in Vivec. It is so named because it was originally the only canton in which foreign visitors to Vivec were allowed. The Foreign Quarter is the northernmost canton of the city of Vivec.