I got Transistor and I find the backgrounds beautiful. I respect your opinion, but maybe you should consider your attitude, because judging by your comments, you come across as a quite negative person. So yes, I have problems to see you as a credible source/critic of anything. Another rant by Gemuarto." and most of the time that's what indeed follows. I know that not all of your comments are negative and/or complaining, but the negative ones are so plenty that by now when I read "Gemuarto" in the comment section, I think to myself: "Oh well, here we go again. It seems that every time I read a comment of yours, it's negative.

Furthermore, if you find that the title isn’t challenging enough, it features a neat little mechanic that allows you to ramp up the difficulty in exchange for experience bonuses and extra flavour text. Crucially, though, you can only have access to four active powers at once, forcing you to prudently select your loadout for each scenario.